Wind & Weather
Wind & Weather
In our experience the reliability of websites can be variable, and you can almost always find one which will tell you what you want to hear! In the interest of safer boating, here is a list of handy links to help you do your research and enjoy your time on the water.
Bureau of Meteorology gives the official forecasts
- Latest Wind observations for Rosslyn Bay
- Marine Wind Forecast up to 7 days
- Capricornia Coast Forecast
- 128km Radar Loop
- Tropical Cyclone Forecast – Coral Sea
Other useful resources
- Windy TV shows two wind forecasting models ECMWF and GFS, and options for Waves, Rain and Lightning
- Seabreeze Weather is a handy visual 7 day wind and wave forecast for Central Coast
- Weatherzone forecast for Capricornia shows up to 7 day wind and wave including Tidal Predictions
- Willy Weather wind speed and direction for Rosslyn Bay including real time wind speed
- Pumpkin Island Weather Station provides real time observations taken on Pumpkin Island
- Windfinder offers a comprehensive forecast for wind, waves, rain and tides.